Tuesday, April 12, 2011

TV Question

If we could unplug all the TV sets in America, our children would grow up to be healthier, better educated, and more independent human beings. This is the question a was asked to think about for this post. In honest I think that I disagree with it. My main reason is that TV has become a major part of our lives in all aspects. It hosts many shows for all viewer as well as educationally and health shows due to seeing them myself and from the occasionally magzine. Just getting rid of TV won't rid America or guarante that our children will grow any healthier, better educated, or more independent human beings without the influence of TV. Franklly I think its not the actually TV sets we should be worried about since many programs and shows can be benefical to us, but what our children actually view and what gets aired on TV that we should be worried about, since I've seen alot of weird and frankly to me distrubed shows on TV.


  1. Good arguing points, with supporting evidence. We had similar viewpoints, good post.

  2. Although I actually disagree with this argument, the viewpoint is enjoyable and well thought out.

  3. You couldn't have said it better when you wrote that its not the TV sets we should be worried about as much as what we allow our children to view. And I agree with your comment about disturbing shows. Good job.
